art, "Linen Market, Dominica" by Agostino Brunias, Haitians Abroad

The Haitians Abroad Digital Archive documents the Haitian émigré experience during the long nineteenth century (1791-1900) to highlight how these men and women, supported by kin and non-kin networks, traversed the Atlantic World, becoming integral parts of their newfound communities, all while maintaining their national identity.

Haitians Abroad seeks to add the final nail in the coffin of the “isolationist theory” or “isolationist thesis” regarding Haiti. While there have been several variations of this concept, it is the perceived isolation of the nation of Haiti between 1804 and 1915, diplomatically and/or economically. This idea was spread by nineteenth century “European observers and intellectuals” that were unable “reconcile the political capacity” of Haitians . These historical silences have corrupted the Haitian narrative, which historians have been trying to repair. Through discovering and interpreting these transnational  Haitians and their networks, this database can assist by creating a historically definitive story. The first and second phases of this project focus on Haitians and their networks in Great Britain, the British and Spanish Caribbean, and the United States.

button, navigation, "About", Haitians Abroad

The website and archive, housed on Reclaim Hosting, utilize multiple digital tools throughout its four sections:

button, navigation, "Contextualization", Haitians Abroad

button, navigation, "People", Haitians Abroad

button, navigation, "Mapping", Haitians Abroad

button, navigation, "Resources", Haitians Abroad


This research of Haitians Abroad could not be completed without assistance from the following: