Examples of Haitian Networks


Baltimore had a strong trading history with Saint-Domingue that grew towards the end of the eighteenth century. This economic relationship was further supported by Baltimore being a significant Catholic hub since all Catholics in the United States between 1780 to 1808 belonged to the Diocese of Baltimore, Maryland. This Catholic connection was part of what made Baltimore desirable to French emigres from France and Saint-Domingue. As the Haitian Revolution began, Baltimore continued its trade with the French Colony. This trade was supported by kinship networks, as some of the families of Saint-Domingue had Baltimore relatives that assisted with commerce. These kinship connections grew immensely following 1793, when many Haitian emigres (black and white) found their way to Baltimore, including the Montpensier, Gatson, Arieu, Noel, and Dousson families. These individuals were part of the vibrant Baltimore community displayed below.